Part of our mission statement is to "Be a place where people love to work".
First and foremost, we are looking for good people. Nobody will ever get hired here without meeting that simple criteria. I believe a team of "good people" will out-perform any other team... plus I want to enjoy life and like the idea of being surrounded by good people :)
Beyond that, we want people that meet these qualifications:
Strategic Thinker. When you play games, do you find yourself playing strategy games like Chess or StarCraft? Marketing can be like a complicated game.
Figure Things Out By Doing. Do you constantly tinker? Do you learn best by actually playing around with things? The marketing/tech world changes at a faster pace than most industries. I want someone that is goal-oriented, thinks critically, and doesn't need an instruction manual.
Think Differently. Doing what everyone else does makes you average by definition. I want someone that finds outliers and loopholes to maximize value.
Interested in Technology. The ideal person would be excited about AI. Do you find yourself interested in tech news, for example new product announcements by Apple/Google/Meta?
Find outliers. Do you watch movies and often find loopholes? I value recognizing patterns.
Positive Attitude. I believe that a positive attitude is contagious. As a member of 44Watts, I love the idea of spreading positivity to our clients, and the rest of the world. We are leaders and actively spread positivity and happiness.
Gets The Job Done. This is a skill. You can make excuses or you can make it happen. I want people that can have ideas, test them, learn from them, improve, and ultimately get the job done. Winning does matter. This can also be disguised as luck, do your friends call you “lucky”?
Self-Starter. This is a remote-work position and marketing is infinite. The ideal candidate will be someone that is continuously finding new ways to make things even better. Have an idea, figure it out, make it great.
Strive For Excellence. Take pride in your work. If you put your name on something, then I want you to be the kind of person that wants to make it great. Let's shoot for the stars, and even if we miss we will be at the moon. Strive for the impossible.
We are currently looking to fill these position:
Advertising Strategist
Marketing Intern
Data Analytics Intern
Please email your application to